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Healthcare Research at Change Healthcare

Skills and tools learned at Change Healthcare inspired and evolved the way I conduct user research


Consumer research

Conduct and participate in hundreds of healthcare consumer research interviews.

Insights & Analysis

Find valuable insights and develop them into actionable design principals.


Create compelling narratives around research and present to stakeholders.

UX Strategy

Design research plans and proposals that align with company and team goals.

Consumer Research

Healthcare is one of the trickiest, most complex industries in existence. Every day we ask consumers to navigate a system full of loopholes, policy numbers, and codes that most professionals do not have complete knowledge of. As part of my role on the User Experience team at Change Healthcare, I helped conduct and analyze hundreds of consumer interviews to better understand how to solve for the most pressing challenges facing healthcare consumers. 


Conducting user research does not start with an interview; it is essential to understand the goals of research work before even deciding whom to speak to. 

I am not just a problem solver, I’m a problem definer.

At Change, I defined research and project goals in order to ask the right questions and recruit the most relevant interviewees. This led to productive conversations with people who often humanize abstract problems. Discussion guides gave a useful roadmap in steering conversations during interviews, but I know the importance of exploring topics that surface without prompting. My training in empathy interviewing and active listening always comes in handy as I work to uncover stories and experiences that will reveal needs and pain points.

In July of 2019, I led a team conducting user research on healthcare consumer financial care in Florida. Our goal was to better understand key needs, pain points and moments of truth when it comes to navigating the payment journey with a healthcare provider. Within the span of one week, we interviewed a diverse set of 18 participants, for an hour and a half each. I went on to lead the analysis of the interviews and produce a report of the key themes and insights.

cosumer research

insights & analysis

A fundamental part of my UX training at Stanford was rooted in understanding what we heard in interviews beyond what was said aloud. A famous quote, cited often in the world of UX research and analysis is as follows:

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” - Henry Ford

Another anecdote begins with a user asking a researcher for a ladder. Instead of building a ladder, the researcher asks “why?”. The user tells the researcher it is to climb up. The researcher asks why the user needs to climb up. The user answers that they’d like to get a box from a high shelf. Even here, two levels of “why?” deep, the researcher has discovered an entirely new problem (to get something off a high shelf) with an entirely new solution set (a crane, a forklift, a human chain, etc.). A skilled researcher continues to ask “why?” even after the interview is over. This leads to a new, more fundamental set of needs that allows for much more creative solutioning.


In my work, I strive to see patterns and themes that emerge across interviews. I create frameworks to think about things differently and ask questions that push past what we heard and into what was said without saying. Qualitative research can be incredibly rewarding when commonalities leap out or team discussions give new perspective.


As a member of the UX team at Change I was given many opportunities to be part of and lead research analysis. My work in Florida led to an 8-page summary document with key findings and actionable insights. These insights gave project stakeholders concrete steps for improvement.

insights and analysis


Conducting research, creatively analyzing information and drawing out actionable insights is all for naught unless we, as UX professionals, can share out effectively. Once ready to share findings, my goal is to transform into a storyteller who deeply understands my audience and can deliver compelling narratives.


In addition to my bachelor’s degree, I earned a Notation in Science Communication. My work at Change Healthcare was typically much less technical than the ideas I was striving to communicate then, but the notation track laid the groundwork for my ability to express ideas well. My presentations at Change were often to cross-functional teams and needed to contain both carefully weaved stories of specific healthcare consumers as well as big-picture takeaways.

Storytelling is the most valuable tool we have to build empathy for others.

Change also showed me how impactful it can be to co-create narratives. By giving stakeholders outside the UX team opportunities to join research interviews as observers or aid in shaping questions for the discussion guide, I have seen their investment grow firsthand.


One of my favorite paraphrased stories is about a consumer I interviewed for a project on healthcare finances. As we went through the interview they were straightforward and our team was gaining valuable knowledge. Near the end of the interview, I reached a question that I thought was straightforward and would have a straightforward answer. I asked, “if you could see how much a certain procedure would cost for three doctors and at one office it was $500, at another it was $700 and at the last one it cost $1,000, which office would you choose and why?” 


The participant leaned back in their chair and stroked their chin. Several moments passed in silence as I watched them think.  Finally, they answered, “well probably the middle one there.” I was surprised that the lowest price had not been their answer. “Why’s that?” I asked. They explained that the lowest price indicated a lack of quality and that if they charge the least, they are probably not going to do as good of a job as a more expensive doctor’s office. On the other hand, the most expensive option was likely more costly than it needed to be, so the middle price would be the best option.


This is just one example of how interviews have completely reshaped the way I think and talk about healthcare. Each new conversation is a privilege and an opportunity to give a voice to the consumer.


UX Strategy

User Experience today does not and can not operate in a silo. Incorporating UX strategy into a company’s overall goals is an excellent path to a better business. According to a 2018 report by InVision

“Companies in our study reported that when design takes center stage, it can have a direct impact on tangible business results, like revenue, valuation, and time to market.”

This research indicates that the more integrated a design team is to other parts of the business, the more everyone benefits. When users thrive, so too does business. It also demonstrates the importance of measuring success. My experience has helped me understand many ways to think about and define success for research projects.


There is always more work to do, but as long as the voice of people comes through we, as designers, can adjust our strategies and find success.

ux strategy

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Published White-Papers on Healthcare Research

Facilitating Design Thinking Workshops & Brainstorming Sessions

Conducting B2B Customer Interviews & Leading Usability Tests

Remote Interviews and Quantitative Research


In my work, I’ve learned the power of language. The words we use have an effect on how we view others and how they view themselves. Instead of calling those who participate in the healthcare system “patients” we referred to them as “healthcare consumers.” This reminded us that were are designing for people, even when they aren’t sick.

healthcare consumer
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